Course introduction User centered design is a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor-made to suit their needs.
Take the user needs into account at every stage of the product lifecycle.
User centered design is a process, a quasi science.
It’s not rocket surgery.
It’s not about art. Visual design is a tiny part.
Start with customer support.
What’s the best way to interact with something (a product, a service, a system)?
It’s a broad range of disciplines.
From a perspective we try to look at the entire, holystic solution.
At the same time we need to craft the details.
Skype it’s not human to computer interaction, but it’s human to human interaction.
Try to make it invisible.
Building a prototype gives you a chance to get your ideas out of your head and into the hands of the people you’re designing for. By getting feedback early and often, you can improve your idea and reduce the risk of failure
Details The course will present theoretical lectures and design sessions: any practical activity (individual assignements, team work, project work, open discussions and workshop sessions) will be introduced through a frontal lesson and a collective review of case studies.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Understand the theoretical aspects of the term “experience”
Distinguish between needs and goals, knowledge and experience
Decide the appropriate research technique for a specific context
Translate insights into experience maps (scenarios, user srtories, customer journey etc)
Design an information architecture (calssification/categorization system, content types, navigation structure etc)
Execute a concept into a specific brand scape, in order to communicate a design
Plan and conduct a usability test
Manage time and resources for a design project
Special guests (to be confirmed)
Andrea Resmini
Massimo Canevacci
Alex Simonini
Francesco Bolici