Risorse bibliografiche
Risorsa bibliografica obbligatoria
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativa
Scheda Riassuntiva
Anno Accademico 2023/2024
Scuola Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
Insegnamento 057044 - AGILE INNOVATION
Cfu 5.00 Tipo insegnamento Monodisciplinare
Docenti: Titolare (Co-titolari) Magistretti Stefano

Corso di Studi Codice Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato Da (compreso) A (escluso) Insegnamento

Obiettivi dell'insegnamento
  • Design solutions applying a scientific and engineering approach (Analysis, Learning, Reasoning, and Modeling capability deriving from a solid and rigorous multidisciplinary background) to face problems and opportunities in a business and industrial environment;
  • Develop new ideas and solutions in business and industrial scenarios evolving over time.

Risultati di apprendimento attesi
  • Design solutions applying a scientific and engineering approach (Analysis, Learning, Reasoning, and Modeling capability deriving from a solid and rigorous multidisciplinary background) to face problems and opportunities in a business and industrial environment:
    • Manage design practices and making capabilities in accelerating innovation projects [Individual Written Exam];
  • Develop new ideas and solutions in business and industrial scenarios evolving over time;
    • Early prototype innovative concepts [Team Design Sprint Project];
    • Manage uncertainty of innovation projects adopting agile approaches [Team Design Sprint Project];
    • Develop solutions that transform the current ecosystem by leveraging the collaboration and cooperation of stakeholders [Team Design Sprint Project].

Argomenti trattati

Today’s world, where speed is gaining increasing relevance to make innovation happen, has called for the emergence of approaches that leverage continuous testing and iteration. After the introduction of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, a wide range of industries has experienced the massive diffusion of Agile approaches. These approaches leverage agility, flexibility, and the rapid development of new solutions. On the one hand, Agile emerges as a tool to change the development process; on the other, it emerges as a culture to embrace flexibility. Especially this cultural aspect is crucial in agile innovation approaches, to face emerging issues and have an impact on companies solutions. Design is recognized as a powerful approach to reduce uncertainty; more specifically several studies show that adopting a design mindset can help embracing ambiguity and foster innovation even when the problems are wicked and ill-defined. In discovering new technologies, knowledge and uncertainty are always high, and the search for the right application might require different and complex iteration and experimentation processes. Design Sprint represents a new approach deeply rooted on agile culture, design attitude and experimentation mindset. It aims at accelerating innovation by the adoption of sketching, testing and prototyping tools.

The course has been designed around the following main topics:

  • Agile Culture: Making innovation happen in a continuously changing environment where ambiguity, variability and complexity is raising requires new mindset and approaches. Thus, agile innovation is gaining traction as a culture to cope with these shortcomings, in promoting both a agile culture and tools to make innovation happen. Furthermore, lean development and lean startup are approaches that are getting more and more relevance in today’s panorama not only in hi-tech industries. Agile methodologies and specific approaches such as SCRUM are fundamental to properly manage innovation projects in turbulent environments;
  • Design Attitude: The emergence of new paradigms such as human-centered design, participatory design and design thinking, have marked the transforming role of design in the field of innovation management. Design is not only an aesthetic driver of innovation but represents a new set of innovation management practices. It is something practiced not only by designers but by everyone in organizations who seeks to innovate;
  • Experimentation Mindset: Innovation approaches, such as agile development, and lean startup, may differ on some principles and practices, but they have one key ingredient in common: experimentation. Recent approaches leverage experiments for exploratory learning. In particular, “quick & dirty” prototypes are used to search the most valuable innovation opportunities. The changing nature of experimentation in innovation is supported by the digitalization trend. The increasingly digital nature of products and services facilitates early, less expensive, higher-fidelity prototypes and the subsequent tests.

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile - SDGs
Questo insegnamento contribuisce al raggiungimento dei seguenti Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell'Agenda ONU 2030:

The course asks students to propose a new solution for a company in an agile way. In doing so, we will ask them to think about collaboration and cooperation among different players at the infrastructural level, to innovate the experience of the customers (about 4 hours of lecture and 4 hours of team-working activities will be dedicated to SDG9). During the project, candidates will collaborate in thinking and reflecting on solutions that do not overuse resources and can leverage a responsible consumption of the resources is not wasting solutions (about 4 hours of team-working activities will be dedicated to SDG12). The students propose partnerships as a good means to support the reflections performed in the Design Sprint Project (about 8 hours of team-working activities will be dedicated to SDG17).


The course actively engages students in an experiential learning process: in addition to conceptual inputs, the faculty will use case study discussion, workshop, teamworking sessions and team presentations. For this reason, it requires that participants:

  • Attend class regularly and contribute to class discussions;
  • Be fully prepared for class (by accomplishing the pre-assigned tasks);
  • Actively participate in team projects and activities outside of class, and contribute to team learning.

The main educational process is thought for students who will actively participate in class and who will engage in team-bases activities.

The course allows some students, who are not able to provide this form of active participation, an alternative educational process.


Attending Students

The course is based on both individual and team activities. The lectures manly aim at illustrating and sharing frameworks, models and tools. In order to facilitate the understanding, case studies are presented and discussed along the lectures. During the course, participants develop the Team Design Sprint Project adopting the Design Sprint approach to face the brief proposed by the Faculty. Each participant belongs to a self-selected team defined at the beginning of the course The teams are averagely composed by 6-8 members. The Team Design Sprint Project is based on five main phases:

  1. Map: the first phase is based on interviews with users and experts as well as observation of the addressed experience autonomously developed by each team aimed at clearly defining the challenge;
  2. Sketch: the second phase is supported by the Faculty who facilitates the Sketch and Decide Factory (design workshop aimed at creating innovative solutions and based on one dedicated session);
  3. Decide: the third phase is supported by the Faculty who facilitates the Sketch and Decide Factory (design workshop aimed at identifying the most promising innovative solutions and based on one dedicated session);
  4. Prototype: the forth phase is supported by the Faculty who facilitates the Prototype Factory (design workshop aimed at developing the prototypes to test and based on one dedicated session);
  5. Test: the fifth phase is based on test sessions autonomously developed by each team aimed at learning from users and improve the innovative solution.

The Individual Written Exam, scheduled at the beginning of the off-term period (1st call), is composed by small case studies to be critically reviewed, closed and open questions.


Not-Attending Students

Not-attending students are those who—for some major constraints[1] that should be clearly explained to the faculty by email—are not able to participate to more than 50% of classes and/or team activities. Students with overlapping classes should commit in participating to Design Thinking for Business activities within the abovementioned limit or follow the course as not-attending students.

The exam is oral and scheduled in the off-lectures period. Not-attending students will not be included in teams and have to develop the Individual Design Sprint Project: this activity substitutes the Team Design Sprint Project that attending students accomplish in teams. The Individual Design Sprint Project is about the same brief proposed to the teams along the course. Individual Design Thinking Project is presented during the oral exam. The selected brand must be communicated and agreed with the faculty, by sending an email to both Stefano Magistretti (stefano.magistretti@polimi.it) at least 2 weeks before the end of the semester. Individual Design Sprint Project is presented during the oral exam. Not-attending students have to prepare only a Power Point presentation about the project to be presented during the oral exam in maximum 15 minutes.

The Faculty strongly suggest to attend classes and to engage in team activities. An active participation to the course not only improves the effectiveness of the learning process, but also reduces the overall effort that the student has to put in the preparation of the final exam characterising the course.


[1] E.g. Interns, Erasmus, etc.

Modalità di valutazione

The final evaluation of the course is different for attending and not-attending students.


Attending Students

The evaluation is based on the following elements:

  • Individual Written Exam: open questions about case studies and theoretical contents; the written exam is based on the content included in the course slides, case studies, guest speakers’ presentations and class discussion.
  • Team Design Sprint Projects: teams are engaged in designing new digital experiences provided by a selected brand.

The specific elements in the grading system and the points assigned to them are depicted in the following table.




Written Exam


Design Sprint Project

Attending Students




In order to pass the exam:

  • Sum must be >= 18;
  • Individual Written Exam >= 8;
  • Team Design Sprint Project >=10.


The Team Design Sprint Project is valid for the entire academic year, so for all the calls the students that attend the course will keep that mark.

The participation to the exams during the off-lectures period implies the cancellation of the associated marks obtained during the course.


Not-Attending Students

The evaluation is based on the following elements:

  • Individual Oral exam: open questions about case studies and theoretical contents; the individual oral exam is based on the content included in the course slides, case studies, textbooks, guest speakers’ presentations;
  • Individual Design Sprint Project: presentation sent one week before the oral exam (stefano.magistretti@polimi.it) and delivered during the oral exam.

The specific elements in the grading system and the points assigned to them are depicted in the following table.




Oral Exam


Design Sprint Project

Not Attending Students




In order to pass the exam:

  • Sum must be >= 18;
  • Individual Oral Exam >= 10;
  • Individual Design Sprint Project >= 8.

Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaKnapp J, Zeratsky J, and Kowitz B, Sprint: How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days, Editore: Simon and Schuster, Anno edizione: 2016
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaIansiti M, and Lakhani KR, Competing in the age of AI: strategy and leadership when algorithms and networks run the world, Editore: Harvard Business Press, Anno edizione: 2020
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaRies E, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, Editore: Crown Business New York, Anno edizione: 2011
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaRies E, The Startup Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management to Transform Culture and Drive Long-term Growth, Editore: Currency, Anno edizione: 2017
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaThomke SH, Experimentation matters: unlocking the potential of new technologies for innovatio, Editore: Harvard Business Press: Boston, Anno edizione: 2003
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaThomke SH, Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Business Experiments, Editore: Harvard Business Press: Boston, Anno edizione: 2020
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaCooper RG and Sommer AF, The Agile-StageGate Hybrid Model: A Promising New Approach and a New Research Opportunity, Editore: Journal of Product Innovation Management, Anno edizione: 2016
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaDell'Era C, Magistretti S, and Messeni-Petruzzelli A, How intelligent is Watson? Enabling digital transformation through artificial intelligence, Editore: Business Horizons, Anno edizione: 2019
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMagistretti S, Trabucchi D, Buganza T, and Dell'Era C, A New Path Toward a Hybrid Model: Insights from PwC's Italian Experience Centre, Editore: Research-Technology Management, Anno edizione: 2019
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMagistretti S, Dell'Era C, and Verganti R, Look for New Opportunities in Existing Technologies: Leveraging Temporal and Spatial Dimensions to Power Discovery, Editore: Research-Technology Management, Anno edizione: 2020
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMagistretti S, Dell'Era C and Doppio N, Design sprint for SMEs: an organizational taxonomy based on configuration theory, Editore: Management Decisions, Anno edizione: 2020
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMagistretti S, Allo L, Verganti R, Dell'Era C, and Reutter F, The microfoundations of design sprint: how Johnson & Johnson cultivates innovation in a highly regulated market, Editore: Journal of Knowledge Management, Anno edizione: 2021
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMagistretti S, Pham C, and Dell'Era C, Enlightening the dynamic capabilities of design thinking in fostering digital transformation, Editore: Industrial Marketing Management, Anno edizione: 2021
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaNambisan S, Lyytinen K, Majchrzak A, and Song M, Digital Innovation Management: Reinventing innovation management research in a digital world, Editore: Mis Quarterly, Anno edizione: 2017
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaPham C, Magistretti S, and Dell'Era C, The Role Of Design Thinking In Big Data Innovations, Editore: Innovation: Organization & Management, Anno edizione: 2021
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaVerganti R, Vendraminelli L, and Iansiti M, Innovation and Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Editore: Journal of Product Innovation Management, Anno edizione: 2020

Software utilizzato
Nessun software richiesto

Forme didattiche
Tipo Forma Didattica Ore di attività svolte in aula
Ore di studio autonome
Laboratorio Informatico
Laboratorio Sperimentale
Laboratorio Di Progetto
Totale 50:00 75:00

Informazioni in lingua inglese a supporto dell'internazionalizzazione
Insegnamento erogato in lingua Inglese
Disponibilità di materiale didattico/slides in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di libri di testo/bibliografia in lingua inglese
Possibilità di sostenere l'esame in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di supporto didattico in lingua inglese
schedaincarico v. 1.10.1 / 1.10.1
Area Servizi ICT