Ing - Civ (Mag.)(ord. 270) - MI (488) INGEGNERIA CIVILE - CIVIL ENGINEERING
Obiettivi dell'insegnamento
The objective of the course is to introduce students to advanced topics in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, with emphasis on plate and shell structures and discontinuity regions.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
The expected learning outcomes include solid knowledge and good understanding of the structural behaviour, analysis methods, and design criteria of RC plates, shells, and discontinuity regions, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and understanding to structural analysis and design of one and two-way slabs, deep beams, corbels, joints, anchorage zones, silos, liquid storage tanks, water towers, spherical domes, paraboloid shell roofs.
Argomenti trattati
I. BASIC CONCEPTS. Structural design process. Limit states. Structural safety and serviceability. Uncertainties and structural reliability. Damage-tolerance and structural robustness. Durability and life-cycle performance.
II. RC PLATES. Theory of plates in bending. Rectangular and circular plates. Reinforcement design. Stability of plates. Limit analysis of plates. Strip method. Yield line theory.
III. RC SHELLS. Membrane theory. Hyperbolic- and elliptic-paraboloid shells. Bending theory for cylindrical shells. Beam-on-elastic foundation analogy. Flexibility method. Spherical and conical shells. Ring beams. Prestressing.
IV. DISCONTINUITY REGIONS. B- and D-regions. Truss analogy for RC beams. Discontinuous stress fields. Strut-and-tie modelling. Concrete effectiveness factor. Nodal zones. Reinforcement detailing. Load path method. Optimisation of strut-and-tie models. Generalised stress fields.
Requested background: Principles and methods of structural analysis; Fundamentals of RC mechanics and design.
Modalità di valutazione
Grading is based on a homework assignment, a mid-term written exam, and a final oral exam. Students are requested to complete and pass both the homework assignment and the written exam to be eligible for the final oral exam. In the homework assignment and written exam students should demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and understanding acquired during the course to the solution of structural analysis and design problems related to RC structures such as one and two-way slabs, deep beams, corbels, joints, anchorage zones, silos, liquid storage tanks, water towers, spherical domes, paraboloid shell roofs. The oral exam aims at assessing the students’ knowledge and understanding of the structural behaviour, analysis methods, and design criteria of RC plates, shells, and discontinuity regions.
F. Biondini, Lecture Notes on Advanced Structural Design Note:
Lecture notes, slides and supplementary materials are made available to the students.
L. Cedolin, Introduction to the Theory of Plates and Shells Note:
Lecture notes.
S.P. Timoshenko, S. Woinowsky-Krieger, Theory of Plates and Shells, Editore: McGraw Hill
E. Ventsel, T. Krauthammer, Thin Plates and Shells. Theory, Analysis and Applications, Editore: CRC Press
P. Marti, Theory of Structures: Fundamentals, Framed Structures, Plates and Shells, Editore: Wiley
M.P. Nielsen, L.C. Hoang, Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Editore: CRC Press
R. Park, W.L. Gamble, Reinforced Concrete Slabs, Editore: Wiley
A. Ghali, Circular Storage Tanks and Silos, Editore: Spon Press
D.P. Billington, Thin Shell Concrete Structures, Editore: McGraw-Hill
M.P. Collins, D. Mitchell, Prestressed Concrete Structures, Editore: Prentice Hall
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