Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth Observation Programme, looking at our planet and its environment. Every day, Copernicus collects vast amounts of global data (from ground stations, satellites, airborne and seaborne systems) and transforms these data into information to support public authorities, international organizations and the industry in improving the quality of life for all European citizens.
The information provided by Copernicus can be used by end-users as well, for a wide range of applications and in a variety of subject areas. These include urban area management, sustainable development and nature protection, regional and local planning, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, health, civil protection, infrastructure, transport and mobility, as well as tourism. And many other value-added services can be tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business opportunities. However, new skills are needed to unlock the full potentials of this European revolution.
This doctoral course aims to fill that gap, providing an overview of the Copernicus Programme and its relation with the European space economy, backgrounds of applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, and a summary of Copernicus core services supported by the European Commission and European Agencies.
Unlike traditional PhD courses, which are mainly addressed to specific groups of doctoral students, this course is planned for being offered by the PhD programs Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (ABD Department), and Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering (DICA Department). Thus, it is designed with a transdisciplinary approach and for a large public of both engineers and architects. The final goal is to achieve awareness of the space data potentialities in the downstream sector and to enhance the uptake of the Copernicus data, services and value-added products among the next generation of European professionals and researchers.
Topics of the course
Introduction to Copernicus and the Space Economy
Multispectral Earth Observation
SAR Earth Observation
Copernicus upstream: designing Sentinel missions
Accessing Copernicus Data and Services. TEPs and DIASs
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Services; Copernicus Land Management
Copernicus Emergency Management Service; Copernicus Emergency Service and Social Media Information
Applications of Copernicus for Built Environment: historic cities and cultural landscapes