Risorse bibliografiche
Risorsa bibliografica obbligatoria
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativa
Scheda Riassuntiva
Anno Accademico 2019/2020
Tipo incarico Dottorato
Insegnamento 098574 - ETHICS IN RESEARCH
Cfu 5.00 Tipo insegnamento Monodisciplinare
Docenti: Titolare (Co-titolari) Aliverti Andrea (Hughes Jonathan)

Corso di Dottorato Da (compreso) A (escluso) Insegnamento

Programma dettagliato e risultati di apprendimento attesi

At the end of the Course the participants are expected a) to be fully aware on how scientific and technological research have ethical implications; b) to identify ethical issues in specific research cases and procedures; c) to understand how the adherence to ethics standards is essential not only for respecting ethical values and fundamental rights, but also to increase quality and likely impact of research.

Course introduction – A. Aliverti

Locating ethics in research – J. Hughes

• The nature and value of research

• Research scandals and the need for ethical scrutiny

• Case study

• Principles of research ethics

• The role of the research ethics committee

Consent in research – J. Hughes

• The role of consent in research

• Voluntariness, information and competence as elements of valid consent

• Non-consensual research

• Case studies

Balancing harms and benefits in research – J. Hughes

• Type of benefit and types of harm

• Harm to whom?

• Randomised controlled trials and equipoise

• Case study

Information and Design Ethics -V. Schiaffonati

• Responsabilites in engineering and design

• Management of sensitive data/information

• personal and private information, confidential scientific/industrial information

• sensitive information in the digital world

• case studies

Ethical Institutions: research ethics Committees/Institutional Review Boards and the Ethic Committee of Polimi - C. Ghezzi

3R’s Principles- G.B. Fiore

Case study: how to submit a proposal to a Research Ethics Committee

Publication ethics: ‘good practice’ in scientific communication - A. Aliverti

Case studies: publication ethics

Final discussion


Note Sulla Modalità di valutazione

The students will have to take a final, written exam, regarding the analysis of one case study, preferably regarding his/her PhD research topic, in terms of Ethics implications.

The presentation of the final work will be provided within small groups of Course participant. 

Intervallo di svolgimento dell'attività didattica
Data inizio
Data termine

Calendario testuale dell'attività didattica

13 Jan 2020 - Morning - Course introduction ¿ A. Aliverti

13 Jan 2020 - Morning/afternoon - Locating ethics in research ¿ J. Hughes

14 Jan 2020 - Morning - Consent in research ¿ J. Hughes

14 Jan 2020 - Afternoon - Balancing harms and benefits in research ¿ J. Hughes

15 Jan 2020 - Morning/Afternoon - Information and Design Ethics -V. Schiaffonati

16 Jan 2020 - Morning - Ethical Institutions: research ethics Committees/Institutional Review Boards and the Ethic Committee of Polimi - C. Ghezzi

16 Jan 2020 - Morning - 3R¿s Principles- G.B. Fiore

16 Jan 2020 - Afternoon - Publication ethics: ¿good practice¿ in scientific communication - A. Aliverti

17 Jan 2020 - Morning - Publication ethics: ¿good practice¿ in scientific communication - A. Aliverti

Risorsa bibliografica obbligatoriaHughes J, Hunter D, Sheehan M, Wilkinson SD, Wrigley A. Hughes J (Ed.)., European Textbook on Ethics in Research, Editore: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union., Anno edizione: 2010

Software utilizzato
Nessun software richiesto

Mix Forme Didattiche
Tipo Forma Didattica Ore didattiche
laboratorio informatico
laboratorio sperimentale
laboratorio di progetto

Informazioni in lingua inglese a supporto dell'internazionalizzazione
Insegnamento erogato in lingua Inglese

Note Docente
schedaincarico v. 1.10.1 / 1.10.1
Area Servizi ICT