Obiettivi dell'insegnamento
This course will provide students with an introduction to numerical methods and analysis techniques used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of turbulent reacting flows. The OpenFOAM CFD code ( is selected as the course basic coding software.
The specific objectives of the course are:
to introduce students with the major approaches and methodologies used in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of turbulent reacting flows, the interplay of physics and numeric, the methods and results of numerical analysis;
to cover a range of modern approaches for numerical and computational fluid dynamics, aiming to provide students with a general knowledge and understanding of the subject, including recommendations for further studies;
to familiarize students with the numerical implementation of these techniques, so as to provide them with the means to implement and use basic CFD methods, computer use and programming, debugging;
to acquire the knowledge necessary for the skillful utilization of CFD software, with particular focus on OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is a free, open-source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License and widely used in Industry and Academia worldwide; it is first and foremost a C++ library, that allows users to create new solvers and utilities with some pre-requisite knowledge of the underlying method, physics and programming techniques involved; hence, it often helps concentrate on the algorithms themselves rather than on the “coding” of basic and elementary steps.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
At the end of this course, the student will:
• be able to apply the Finite Volume Method (FVM) to turbulent reactive fluid flow problems;
• know about the theory behind different modeling methodologies available in the simulation of turbulent reactive flows;
• generate different grid topologies;
• know how to use the OpenFOAM CFD code for engineering problems;
• modify OpenFOAM for his specific purposes.
Argomenti trattati
Numerical methods for reacting flows. General forms of conservation equations for reacting flows; choice of primitive variables, pressure-velocity coupling algorithm for segregated solvers with static and dynamic grids. Discretization of the operators, solution algorithms, momentum interpolation methods. Unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction equation. Numerical solvers for stiff differential equations in chemical systems.
Some comments on turbulence and mixing. Statistical description of turbulence, turbulent scales, temporal and spatial correlations, Reynolds average equations. Phenomenological aspects of turbulent mixing. The meaning of scalar dissipation rate.
Flows with non-premixed reactants. Phenomenological description, flame structure, specific features of turbulent non-premixed flames. Modeling techniques: Moment methods, well-stirred reactor, conserved scalar methods, transported pdfs.
Spray Modeling. Definition of spray regimes. Thin and dilute spray assumption. Spray modeling: continuum droplet model (Volume of Fluid), Lagrangian particle tracking.
Wall film modeling. Physics of the wall film formation and evolution. Liquid film transport modeling on coupled surface regions; coupling of the film model to the bulk flow, both for continuum and discrete (particle) phases.
Dynamic mesh handling in moving boundary problems.
Basic knowledge of Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Turbulence, Combustion and Heat Transfer Theory.
Modalità di valutazione
The final course grade will be weighted as follows:
Homework (5 in total, 4% each)
Written test
Final project and oral discussion
Homework. Five problem sets will be given. They will be due before the oral discussion. We encourage students to work with each other on the homework assignments, but we do not condone copying. Make your own honest collaborative efforts to contribute to the solution and, based on your own understanding, write up the answers in your own words and style. If you worked closely with other students on a given homework assignment and feel that your understanding was substantially influenced by the mutual learning process, you should cite the names of those students with whom you worked. Percentage on the final grade: 20%
Written test. Three or four questions about theory are given. Questions are about fundamental theory of CFD. Percentage on the final grade: 40%.
Final project and oral discussion. Each student (or group of students) will work to a project (final assignment) using the OpenFOAM code and he/she will provide a report including the results. All students might be required to discuss their project' results with the Professor during the oral session. Evaluation will be based on the material quality and on the ability of the student to answer to the questions, that are not necessarily linked to the projects. Percentage on the final grade: 40%.
Thierry Poinsot, Denis Veynante, Theoretical and Numerical Combustion - Third Edition , Anno edizione: 2012
J.H. Ferziger and M. Peric., Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Editore: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Anno edizione: 1999
The OpenFOAM Foundation, OpenFOAM
Software utilizzato
Nessun software richiesto
Forme didattiche
Tipo Forma Didattica
Ore di attività svolte in aula
Ore di studio autonome
Laboratorio Informatico
Laboratorio Sperimentale
Laboratorio Di Progetto
Informazioni in lingua inglese a supporto dell'internazionalizzazione
Insegnamento erogato in lingua
Disponibilità di materiale didattico/slides in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di libri di testo/bibliografia in lingua inglese
Possibilità di sostenere l'esame in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di supporto didattico in lingua inglese