Risorse bibliografiche
Risorsa bibliografica obbligatoria
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativa
Scheda Riassuntiva
Anno Accademico 2018/2019
Scuola Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
Cfu 5.00 Tipo insegnamento Monodisciplinare
Didattica innovativa L'insegnamento prevede  1.0  CFU erogati con Didattica Innovativa come segue:
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
Docenti: Titolare (Co-titolari) Votta Emiliano

Corso di Studi Codice Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato Da (compreso) A (escluso) Insegnamento

Obiettivi dell'insegnamento

The course introduces to the numerical techniques currently adopted for the design and evaluation of biomedical devices and to the assessment of physio-pathologic states and surgical procedures. Within the course, the student will practice with two standard commercial codes aimed at structural and fluid-dynamics analysis, respectively. In the last part of the course, students will work in small groups and apply the acquired knowledge and competences by develping new projects.

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

Knowledge: students are expected to acquire notions on continuum mechanics, on numerical techniques to solve partial differential equations, on the use of two software packages that well represent the standard commercial solvers in the field of structural mechanics and fluid dynamics, respectively. They are also expected to understand the impact of modeling hypothesis and to use their knowledge on real problems.

Competences: by the end of the course, students arte expected to be able to i) formulate and solve complex problems in the field of biomedical engineering, ii) apply engineering methods to the field of biology and biotechnology, iii) communicate the results of their activity in clear and concise manner.


Argomenti trattati

The course is organized in two parts, focused on the analysis of structural mechanics through finite element modeling and on computational fluid dynamics through finite volume models, respectively. In both parts, students will be introduced to the computational methods implemented in a commercial code with a mix of lectures and tutorials. At the end of each part, students will develop a project working in small teams.


Part one: finite element modeling and structural mechanics

Solid mechanics and introduction to the finite element method: the governing equations of solid mechanics will be overviewed. Their weak form and the corresponding discretization and solution will be introduced. In detail, standard displacement-based approach will be introduced together with discretization strategies of governing equations, numerical integration issues and algorithms for solution of linear and non linear problems.

Principles of solid mechanics simulations: the commercial package Abaqus will be introduced, the main steps for the problem solution including the boundary conditions, meshing algorithms and solution strategies will be reviewed for linear and non linear simulations. 

Tutorials: by using Abaqus, students will work in teams on two tutorials with an increasing level of complexity. Both tutorials will be worked examples and students will work following a step-by-step guide.

Project: working again in team and using Abaqus, students will have to set and run an analysis to tackle a real world problem. The problem to be simulated will be exhaustively described, but students will have to independently choose how to set their model. At the end of the project, each team will have to produce a report.


Part two: finite volume modeling and fluid dynamics

Introduction to fluid dynamics: the equations governing the conservation of mass, of linear momentum and of energy will be derived and discussed. Their weak form, its discretization and solution will be introduced based on the general scheme of convection-diffusion equations. 

Principles of fluid mechanics simulation: lectures will describe the way the linear algebraic form of the field equations can be achieved, the iterative methods for algebraic system solution, the upwinding schemes, the pressure-velocity coupling algorithms and how to check convergence and result accuracy.

Tutorials: the commercial package Ansys-Fluent will be introduced together with its capability to handle laminar and turbulent, steady and transient flows. The team of students will work on two tutorials, devoted to introducing progressively more complex features of the software package, including the use of user-defined functions.

Project: working again in team and using Ansys-Fluent, students will have to set and run an analysis to tackle a real world problem. The problem to be simulated will be exhaustively described, but students will have to independently choose how to set their model. At the end of the project, each team will have to produce a report.

Important notice: access to the course

It should be noted that this is a limited number access course. The mandatory procedure for access request is described here: http://www.ccsbio.polimi.it/?page_id=27


There is no mandatory prerequisite. However, a sound background in continuum mechanics and calculus is highly desirable.

Modalità di valutazione

Students will be evaluated at the end of the course on the basis of the two reports produced within the end of the course and of a written examination on the theoretical parts of the course. The final mark will be the average of the marks of each report and of the written examination, which will have to be all sufficient.

Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaH.K. Verstag and W. Malalasekera, An introduction to computational fluid dynamics - The finite volume method, Editore: Prentice Hall College Div (second edition), Anno edizione: 2007, ISBN: 0131274988
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaE. Oate, Structural Analysis With The Finite Element Method. Linear Statics: Volume 1: Basis And Solids , Editore: Springer, Anno edizione: 2012, ISBN: 9048179718
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaO.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L.Taylor, J.Z. Zhu, The Finite Element Method: Its Basis And Fundamentals, Editore: Butterworth-Heinemann, Anno edizione: 2005, ISBN: 0750663200

Software utilizzato
Nessun software richiesto

Forme didattiche
Tipo Forma Didattica Ore di attività svolte in aula
Ore di studio autonome
Laboratorio Informatico
Laboratorio Sperimentale
Laboratorio Di Progetto
Totale 50:00 75:00

Informazioni in lingua inglese a supporto dell'internazionalizzazione
Insegnamento erogato in lingua Inglese
Disponibilità di materiale didattico/slides in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di libri di testo/bibliografia in lingua inglese
Possibilità di sostenere l'esame in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di supporto didattico in lingua inglese
schedaincarico v. 1.10.1 / 1.10.1
Area Servizi ICT