Risorse bibliografiche
Risorsa bibliografica obbligatoria
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativa
Scheda Riassuntiva
Anno Accademico 2018/2019
Scuola Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Cfu 12.00 Tipo insegnamento Laboratorio
Docenti: Titolare (Co-titolari) Bozzuto Paolo, Poli Matteo Umberto, Mancini Marco

Corso di Studi Codice Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato Da (compreso) A (escluso) Nome Sezione Insegnamento

Obiettivi dell'insegnamento

The design studio course groups the experience of three integrated disciplinary modules: "Infrastructure and landscape design" (ICAR/15), "Territorial Open Space Design" (ICAR/21), "Hydraulic Structure" (ICAR/02) which together drive the students to urban and rural landscape sustainable design in the presence of water courses infrastructure and urbanized areas.

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

According to the Dublin Descriptors the course aims to refine design abilities acquired in previous experiences of each student (1.Knowledge and understanding; 2.Applying knowledge and understanding) and to increase critical and analytical competences (3.Making judgements), fundamental in contemporary architectural debate and profession.

The evaluation of the final design will be based on the group's performance. (4.Communication skills)

The course is single and fully integrated within the three modules and requires mandatory and continuous presence of participating students during the semester. There is no assistance after the semester conclusion.

Lectures will confront with multiple aspects of the discipline and won’t be univocally linked to the design theme. (5.Learning skills)

Argomenti trattati

The students will be asked to complete a project, defined to proper scale, of landscape, environment and/or architecture; continuos social, economical and political transformations will be the framework of each intervention as driving forces of physical environment's contemporary fragility.
The subject of the project will be related to IFLA 2019 theme, “COMMON GROUND, covers sustainable urban transformation, ecomobility, public health, blue/green structures and methods of community involvement".
This studio aims to refine design abilities acquired in previous experiences of each student and to increase critical and analytical competences, fundamental in contemporary architectural debate and profession. Typically, students will have a strong motivation and interest in architectural history, arts and contemporary culture.

The “Territorial Open Space Design” module aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design integrated territorial strategies, mainly dealing with open space, mobility and the physical and immaterial networks which support settlements and the everyday life and practices of inhabitants, communities and populations.
Lessons will also provide a range of different projects and researches which interpret in an innovative way the match between open space design and urban design, also focusing on the decision making and the social interaction processes

The "Hydraulic Structure" module, specifically focusing on River Design, will approach the most common problems and opportunities that the presence of water course may cause interacting with infrastructure and urbanize landscape. Present Flood and environmental risk due to past lack consideration of river dynamic in urban and infrastructural development is generally one of the problems whose solutions may be also seen as an opportunity to improve the present urban texture. Sustainable design solutions will be presented and discussed in the respect of EU water directive (2000/60) and Flood directive (2007/60) considering at same time solutions that will increase the territory resilience reducing flood risk, producing improvement in the existent urban texture, assessing a water course and flood plain environmental improvement.
The module will drive the student to the main fluvial processes and will teach how the main hydraulic structural and non-structural measures may control them merging the Italian traditional design experience with the recent outcomes in hydrology and fluvial processes.



No entry requirements

Modalità di valutazione

The exam is oral and will consist in the presentation of the project with panels, books and physical models; there are no bibliographic alternatives to the design developed during the year.

The evaluation will be based both on individual and group work.

Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaBruno Latour, Peter Weibel, Making Things Public, Editore: MIT press, Anno edizione: 2005, ISBN: 978-0-262-12279-5
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaWaldheim C., Landscape as Urbanism. A General Theory, Editore: Princeton University Press, Anno edizione: 2016
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaRosso. R, Manuale di Protezione idraulica del territorio, Editore: CUSL, Anno edizione: 2000
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaEdward Tufte, Envisioning Information, Editore: Graphic press, Anno edizione: 1990, ISBN: 0961392118
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaNijhuis S., Jauslin D., van der Hoeven F., Flowscapes: Designing infrastructure as landscape, Editore: TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands, Anno edizione: 2016 https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/index.php/press/catalog/book/421
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaPucci P., Colleoni M., Understanding Mobilities for Designing Contemporary Cities, Editore: Springer, Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, Anno edizione: 2016
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaPrzedwojski, ed al, River training techniques, Editore: Balkema, Anno edizione: 1995
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMonica Amari , Matteo Poli, Iconic Paysage & Cultural Planning. Paesaggi e processi culturali, Editore: Franco Angeli Editore, Anno edizione: 2009, ISBN: 9788856807837
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaJulien P., River Mechanichs
Risorsa bibliografica facoltativaMancini, M., Slides selection of River Engineering and Basin reclamation course, Editore: BEEP Polimi Platform

Software utilizzato
Nessun software richiesto

Forme didattiche
Tipo Forma Didattica Ore di attività svolte in aula
Ore di studio autonome
Laboratorio Informatico
Laboratorio Sperimentale
Laboratorio Di Progetto
Totale 144:00 155:59

Informazioni in lingua inglese a supporto dell'internazionalizzazione
Insegnamento erogato in lingua Inglese
Disponibilità di materiale didattico/slides in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di libri di testo/bibliografia in lingua inglese
Possibilità di sostenere l'esame in lingua inglese
Disponibilità di supporto didattico in lingua inglese

Note Docente
schedaincarico v. 1.10.1 / 1.10.1
Area Servizi ICT