Anno Accademico: 2014 / 2015
Scuola: Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e Informazione
Insegnamento: 095947 - Cryptography and Architectures for Computer Security
Docente:Gerardo Pelosi
Tipo insegnamento:Monodisciplinare
Corso di Studi: Ing. Ind - Inf (Mag.)(ord. 270) - MI (434) INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA
The course provides a systematic formation on the cryptographic techniques currently employed in communication and data storage. It focuses on the algorithms, the related HW/SW efficient architectures, and points out the new trends and crypto-schemes under development. It extends and closely examines how to effectively and correctly use cryptography in the broad field of computer security.
The mathematical aspects of modern cryptography are presented, preceded by a recap of finite field theory. The most important cryptographic schemes are presented, together with their practical realization details, APIs and implementation vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the most common communication protocols (SSL/TLS, SSH, PGP, Kerberos, Onion Routing) and data storage protocols (IEEE P1619 standard used in Truecrypt) are described. Hardware and software architectures for efficient and implementation-secure realizations of cryptographic schemes are presented and detailed for real-world systems. The course interleaves mathematical topics and more engineering-oriented topics through merging theoretical and practical aspects, via the analysis of significant industrial cases.
These concepts are relevant for a system designer in need to properly use the cryptographic technologies in system and application contexts, and to an hardware designer in need to develop secure digital architectures.
[Cryptography principles and algorithms]
Security services: confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation
History of cryptography
Foundations of modern cryptography
Symmetric algorithms and modes of operation
Elements of modern block cipher cryptanalysis
Hash functions
Asymmetric algorithms (RSA, ElGamal, Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curve based Cryptosystems)
Elements of asymmetric cipher cryptanalysis
[Architectures and protocols]
Efficient asymmetric cipher implementations
Public Key Infrastructure, Web of Trust and distributed notary schemes
Secure (SSL/TLS, SSH) and anonymous (onion routing) communication protocols
Secure data storage protocols: IEEE P1619 standard
Secure authentication schemes, bruteforcing-safe password storage and Kerberos
Security-aware device architectures: cryptographic accelerators and crypto-processors
Side channel attack methodologies and countermeasures
the material will be available on the teacher's website.,