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Dati Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2024/2025
Corso di Studi Dott. - MI (1300) Scuola di Dottorato
Anno di Corso 1

Scheda Insegnamento
Codice Identificativo 057790
Denominazione Insegnamento CREATIVE DESIGN THINKING
Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) 5.0
Programma sintetico The objective of the course is to equip multidisciplinary PhD students with f undamental knowledge on creativity and a toolbox that will augment their creative and design abilities and mindset to f ace challenges in their own professional f ields. The toolbox is constituted by a design thinking process and a series of tools and techniques that will boost their Creative Thinking to reach innovation. Students will learn dif f erent creativity tools and established skills in their utilization over dif f erent problems and areas, adopting dif f erent approaches to problems and developing innovative solutions out of them. The course f oreseen a learning by doing approach where they will apply the toolbox step by step to face a challenge, stimulating a creative working environment.Indeed, the objective of the Creative Design Thinking is the establishment of a creative environment in the working group in order to trigger the individual creative potential when implementing innovation. The key concepts on which the course is based are: creativity as the ability to "lateral thinking", a human-centred approach that puts people at the center of the design process and a method which involves co-participation.
Settori Scientifico Disciplinari (SSD) --

Scaglione Nome Programma dettagliato
Da (compreso) A (escluso)
A ZZZZ Canina Maria Rita, Bruno Carmen
manifestidott v. 1.10.0 / 1.10.0
Area Servizi ICT