Academic Year |
2022/2023 |
Name |
Dott. - MI (1367) Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni e Ambiente Costruito / Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering |
Programme Year |
1 |
ID Code |
058853 |
Course Title |
Course Type |
Credits (CFU / ECTS) |
5.0 |
Course Description |
The course aims to support the development of professional academic competencies to understand, discuss and implement concepts around evidence in the relationships to planning and execution of research projects.
The course will be relevant to PhD candidates in all areas of architecture, design and civil engineering or any other academic field that endeavors to apply evidence, or evidence inform decision making.
PhD students are required to understand the concepts and implications of epistemology of their research projects and more broadly academic careers. As the term "evidence" is recurringly used in design research, researchers in the area need to understand its use and effective applications.
Course Description and Goals
- An introductory overview of research methodology and ethics including basic concepts employed in quantitative and qualitative research methods. There is a course literature package that should be read and discussed in seminars. The literature package is the starting point for the course participants self-paced literature study.
- Research is an important part of the policy process: it can inform the development of programs and policies so that they are responsive to student and community needs, it can help us determine what the impact of these programs and policies are, and it can help us better understand populations or social phenomena.
- Literature studies. There is a course literature package that should be read and discussed in seminars. The literature package is the starting point for the course participants self paced literature study.
- The main purpose of this course via lectures and on-site critical debates is to provide a broad introduction to the methodological foundations and tools to study education, social sciences and health services. But a secondary purpose is to convince the students that the process of scientific discovery can be fun and rewarding.
- The course will focus on the fundamentals of quantitative social science and applied research and will also explore qualitative and implementation science research.
- The students will learn how to identify problems to study, develop hypotheses and research questions, specify independent and dependent variables, check for the validity and reliability of studies and design and ethical dimensions of research projects.
- The students will be exposed to the broad range of designs from laboratory and field experiments, surveys, content analysis, focus groups and in-depth interviewing and to navigate the ethical, financial, social and political constraints of real-world research.
- Writing a position paper related to the course participants about their own research, focusing on how the terms evidence and data are related to and used for the ongoing planned research.
After the course the student shall:
- Define research; explain and apply research terms; describe the research process and the principal activities, skills and ethics associated with the research process.
- Explain the relationship between theory and research.
- Acquire the knowledge of the field of evidence, knowledge and related theories, methods and approaches and how it impacts decision making and outcomes
- Critically discuss research, its basis, methods and validity to be able to judge relevance
- Present their own stance on the terms evidence, data, relevance, presenting their own understanding of their epistemology, and consequences thereof
- Describe and compare the major quantitative and qualitative research methods in health services and social sciences research.
- Understand the importance of research ethics and integrate research ethics into the research process.
- Assess and critique a published journal article that uses one of the primary research methods in the field.
- Learn to employ a lead reference format (i.e, such as the American Psychological Association (APA) format) for citations of print and electronic materials. |
Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Alphabetical group
Teaching Assignment Details
From (included)
To (excluded)
Capolongo Stefano, Barach Paul Randall, Lindahl Göran Thorwald Albin